Taiko SBB
Green Detail01
Presstigieux 56
Green Detail02
Presstigieux 10
Presstigieux 20

Sea Buckthorn Berry Soy Sauce


The relentless search for flavour fuelled the collaboration between Taiko and Tomasu. Both honouring beautiful flavours and textures and the mutual drive to push the boundaries: a natural collaboration emerged and finally resulted in the 'year of soy' and this bottle of limited edition Sea Buckthorn Berry Soy.

Taiko is Schilo van Coevorden's leading award-winning Asian-inspired eatery and one of the finest hotelrestaurants in Amsterdam. A chef at the height of his creativity. Schilo is not content simply to seduce. Beauty, flavour, aroma and texture are the instruments he uses to enchant every sense.

  • Ingredients

  • Nutritional value